The Chemistry Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (UIN Maliki) is an educational institution that offers undergraduate (S1) education and learning. The Chemistry Study Program was established based on the recommendation of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the Ministry of National Education, as stated in Decree No. 3445/D/T/2002 dated November 20, 2002.
On April 24, 2003, the Director General of Islamic Institutional Affairs (Dirjen Bagais) issued a decree regarding the implementation of the undergraduate Chemistry Study Program, based on Decree No. DJ.II/59/2003. When STAIN Malang was approved to be transformed into UIN Malang through a joint decree by the Minister of National Education and the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Decree No. 1/0/SKB/2004) on January 23, 2004, this institutional status change was followed by the approval of the Ministry of National Education regarding the implementation of the undergraduate Chemistry Study Program at UIN Malang, as stated in Decree No. 05/MPH/HK/1004.
The approval of STAIN Malang’s transformation into UIN Malang was reinforced by Presidential Decree No. 50 dated June 21, 2004. The Chemistry Study Program at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang received accreditation with Decree No. 022/BAN-PT/Ak-XIV/S1/VIII/2011 from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), obtaining a grade of B. In 2016, the accreditation status was renewed under Decree No. 01625/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2016, maintaining a B grade. Since then, the study program has continued to develop and achieved a “Good” accreditation status from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, as stated in Decree No. 10230/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VIII/2021.