Research of the Chemistry Study Program for the Development of Knowledge in Halal Product Chemistry, Phytopharmaceuticals, and Energy and Environment

Research is an integral part of the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, aimed at developing and producing knowledge. The Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, is responsible for contributing to society through the development of knowledge that aligns with the needs, dynamics, and demands of society. Research also plays an important role in supporting the implementation of education, teaching, and community service. Research activities are not only intended to fulfill the Tridharma of Higher Education but also to foster an academic culture, particularly among the faculty and students of the Chemistry Study Program. The implementation of research and the development of knowledge in the field of chemistry is expected to support the achievement of the vision of the Chemistry Study Program, which is “To realize a Chemistry Study Program that excels and has an international reputation in the development of knowledge in the fields of halal product chemistry, phytopharmaceuticals, energy, and the environment.”

Research activities in the Chemistry Study Program are based on a plan formulated by the Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M) of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Research topics not only cover various fields of science but must also integrate Islam and science comprehensively, supporting the achievement of the university’s vision, mission, and goals. The program has a group of expertise areas (KBK) that functions as a platform for collaborative research between faculty members and between faculty members and students to develop research topics in accordance with the established roadmap. The application of knowledge in the program is carried out through structured research, namely basic research and technology development (2020-2030), as well as product and market research (2030-2045). All research programs are designed in reference to the research roadmap. Based on the research timeline for the faculty, the Chemistry Study Program is currently in the phase of basic research and technology development. The achievement of research quality is supported by the research roadmap as a guide for identifying research topics for both faculty and students. This aims to support the development of knowledge in the Chemistry Study Program. The main research domain in the Chemistry Study Program is “Halal and High-Quality Product Chemistry.” This domain includes three expertise areas (KBK), namely:

  • Phytopharmaceuticals
  • Food products
  • Energy and Environment

Research Roadmap of the Chemistry Study Program 2020-2045

The implementation of research at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang can be accessed through the website: