Kode SIAKAD | Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | Terjemahan MK | SKS | ECTS |
22000011A01 | MK01 | Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
22000011A02 | MK02 | Kewarganegaraan | Citizenship | 2 | |
22000011A03 | MK03 | Bahasa Indonesia | Bahasa Indonesia | 2 | |
22000011B01 | MK04 | Bahasa Arab I | Arabic I | 2 | |
22000011B02 | MK05 | Bahasa Arab II | Arabic II | 2 | |
22000011B03 | MK06 | Bahasa Arab III | Arabic III | 2 | |
22000011B04 | MK07 | Bahasa Arab IV | Arabic IV | 2 | |
22000011B05 | MK08 | Bahasa Inggris I | English I | 3 | |
22000011B06 | MK09 | Bahasa Inggris II | English II | 3 | |
22000011B07 | MK10 | Filsafat Ilmu | Philosophy of Science | 2 | |
22000011B08 | MK11 | Sejarah Peradaban Islam | History of Islamic Civilization | 2 | |
22000011B09 | MK12 | Teosofi | Theosophy | 2 | |
22000011B10 | MK13 | Studi Al Qur’an Dan Hadits | Study of Al-Qur’an and Hadist | 2 | |
22000011B11 | MK14 | Studi Fiqih | Study of Fiqh | 2 | |
22000011B12 | MK15 | KKM | Student Community Service | 2 | |
22060001C01 | MK16 | Matematika | Mathematics | 3 | |
22060001C02 | MK17 | Biologi | Biology | 2 | |
22060001C03 | MK18 | Fisika | Physics | 3 | |
22060010C04 | MK19 | PKL | Internship | 2 | |
22060311E01 | MK20 | Kimia Dasar I | Basic Chemistry I | 2 | |
22060311E02 | MK21 | Praktikum Kimia Dasar I | Basic Chemistry Practicum I | 1 | |
22060311E03 | MK22 | Kimia Dasar II | Basic Chemistry II | 2 | |
22060311E04 | MK23 | Praktikum Kimia Dasar II | Basic Chemistry Practicum II | 1 | |
22060311E05 | MK24 | Ikatan Kimia | Chemical Bonding | 3 | |
22060311E06 | MK25 | Manajemen Laboratorium | Laboratory Management | 1 | |
22060311E07 | MK26 | Kimia Lingkungan | Environmental Chemistry | 2 | |
22060311E08 | MK27 | Struktur Dan Sifat Senyawa Organik | Structure and Properties of Organic Compounds | 3 | |
22060311E09 | MK28 | Praktikum Isolasi Senyawa Organik | Organic Compound Isolation Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E10 | MK29 | Kimia Unsur | Elemental Chemistry | 3 | |
22060311E11 | MK30 | Struktur Materi | Structure of Matter | 3 | |
22060311E12 | MK31 | Praktikum Kimia Fisika Dasar | Basic Physical Chemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E13 | MK32 | Kimia Analisis Dasar | Basic Analytical Chemistry | 3 | |
22060311E14 | MK33 | Praktikum Kimia Analisis Dasar | Basic Analytical Chemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E15 | MK34 | Reaksi dan Sintesis Senyawa Organik | Reaction and Synthesis of Organic Compounds | 3 | |
22060311E16 | MK35 | Struktur dan Kereaktifan Senyawa Anorganik | Structure and Reactivity of Inorganic Compounds | 3 | |
22060311E17 | MK36 | Praktikum Kimia Unsur | Elemental Chemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E18 | MK37 | Struktur dan Fungsi Biomolekul | Structure and Function of Biomolecule | 2 | |
22060311E19 | MK38 | Termodinamika dan Keseimbangan Kimia | Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium | 4 | |
22060311E20 | MK39 | Pemisahan Kimia dan Elektrokimia | Chemical Separation and Electrochemistry | 3 | |
22060311E21 | MK40 | Praktikum Pemisahan Kimia dan Elektrokimia | Chemical Separation and Electrochemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E22 | MK41 | Informatika Kimia | Chemical Informatics | 2 | |
22060311E23 | MK42 | Kimia Organik Fisik | Physical Organic Chemistry | 3 | |
22060311E24 | MK43 | Praktikum Reaksi Senyawa Organik | Organic Compound Reaction Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E25 | MK44 | Senyawa Koordinasi | Coordination Chemistry | 3 | |
22060311E26 | MK45 | Praktikum Kimia Koordinasi dan Mineral Alam | Coordination Chemistry and Natural Mineral Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E27 | MK46 | Metabolisme Biomolekul | Biomolecules Metabolism | 3 | |
22060311E28 | MK47 | Praktikum Senyawa Biomolekul | Biomolecules Metabolism Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E29 | MK48 | Dinamika Kimia | Chemical Dynamics | 2 | |
22060311E30 | MK49 | Simetri dan Dasar Spektroskopi | Symmetry and Spectroscopy | 2 | |
22060311E31 | MK50 | Kimia Analisis Instrumen I | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry I | 2 | |
22060311E32 | MK51 | Statistika Kimia | Chemical Statistics | 3 | |
22060311E33 | MK52 | Analisis Senyawa Organik | Analysis of Organic Compounds | 3 | |
22060311E34 | MK53 | Praktikum Kimia Organik Lanjut | Advanced Organic Chemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E35 | MK54 | Sintesis dan Analisa Senyawa Anorganik | Synthesis and Analysis of Inorganic Compounds | 3 | |
22060311E36 | MK55 | Enzimologi | Enzimology | 2 | |
22060311E37 | MK56 | Praktikum Metabolisme Biomolekul | Biomolecules Metabolism Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E38 | MK57 | Pengantar Termodinamika Statistik | Introduction of Statistical Thermodynamics | 2 | |
22060311E39 | MK58 | Praktikum Kimia Fisika Lanjutan | Advanced Physical Chemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E40 | MK59 | Kimia Analisis Instrumen II | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry II | 2 | |
22060311E41 | MK60 | Praktikum Kimia Analisis Instrumen | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Practicum | 1 | |
22060311E42 | MK61 | Kimia Produk Halal | Halal Product Chemistry | 2 | |
22060311E43 | MK62 | Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology | 2 | |
22060311E44 | MK63 | Kewirausahaan Kimia | Chemical Entrepreneurship | 2 | |
22060311E45 | MK64 | Skripsi | Thesis | 6 | |
22060312F01 | MK65 | Kimia Zat Aditif | Additive Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F02 | MK66 | Manajemen Industri Kimia | Chemical Industrial Management | 2 | |
22060312F03 | MK67 | Proses Industri Kimia | Chemical Industrial Process | 2 | |
22060312F04 | MK68 | Analisa Mengenai Dampak Linkungan (AMDAL) | Environmental Impact Analysis | 2 | |
22060312F05 | MK69 | Stereokimia | Stereochemistry | 2 | |
22060312F06 | MK70 | Kimia Koloid | Colloid Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F07 | MK71 | Kimia Membran | Membrane Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F08 | MK72 | Pengolahan Pencemaran Lingkungan | Treatment of Environmental Pollution | 2 | |
22060312F09 | MK73 | Kimia Bahan Alam | Natural Products Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F10 | MK74 | Mineralogi | Mineralogy | 2 | |
22060312F11 | MK75 | Kimia Katalis | Catalyst Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F12 | MK76 | Mikrobiologi | Microbiology | 2 | |
22060312F13 | MK77 | Material Fungsional | Functional Materials | 2 | |
22060312F14 | MK78 | Kimia Analisis Lingkungan | Environmental Chemical Analysis | 2 | |
22060312F15 | MK79 | Kimia Atsiri | Essential Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F16 | MK80 | Kimia Organologam | Organometallic Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F17 | MK81 | Bioanorganik | Bioinoragnic | 2 | |
22060312F18 | MK82 | Teknik Fermentasi | Fermentation Technique | 2 | |
22060312F19 | MK83 | Biokimia Pangan | Food Biochemistry | 2 | |
22060312F20 | MK84 | Kimia Polimer | Polymer Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F21 | MK85 | Kimia Adsorpsi dan Antarmuka | Adsorption and Interface Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F22 | MK86 | Kimia Sensor | Chemical Censor | 2 | |
22060312F23 | MK87 | Kimia Analisis Bahan Pangan dan Industri | Analytical Chemistry of Food and Industrial Product | 2 | |
22060312F24 | MK88 | Kimia Kosmetik | Cosmetics Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F25 | MK89 | Merdeka Belajar I | Emancipated Learning I | 3 | |
22060312F26 | MK90 | Sintesis Organik Lanjut | Advanced Organic Synthesis | 2 | |
22060312F27 | MK91 | Kimia Kelautan | Marine Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F28 | MK92 | Sintesis Anorganik Lanjut | Advanced Inorganic Synthesis | 2 | |
22060312F29 | MK93 | Kimia Bahan Berpori | Porous Material Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F30 | MK94 | Bioteknologi Dasar | Biotechnology | 2 | |
22060312F31 | MK95 | Biokimia Medis | Medical Biochemistry | 2 | |
22060312F32 | MK96 | Riset Kimia Komputasi | Computational Chemistry Research | 2 | |
22060312F33 | MK97 | Teknik Uji Hayati | Bioassay | 2 | |
22060312F34 | MK98 | Kimia Analisis Klinis dan Forensik | Clinic and Forensic Analytical Chemistry | 2 | |
22060312F35 | MK99 | Analisis Kimia Lanjutan | Advanced Chemical Analysis | 2 | |
22060312F36 | MK100 | Merdeka Belajar II | Emancipated Learning II | 3 | |
22060312F37 | MK101 | Kemometri | Chemometrics | 2 | |
22060312F38 | MK102 | Pengantar Kristalografi | Introduction of Cristallography | 2 | |
22060312F39 | MK103 | Bioinformatika | Bioinformatics | 2 | |
22060312F40 | MK104 | Kimia Zat Padat | Solid State Chemistry | 2 |