Name: Diana Candra Dewi, M.Si
Date of Birth: 20 July 1977
M.Si. Chemistry - Gadjah Mada University, 2003
S.Si. Chemistry - Brawijaya University, 2000
Chemical Analysis
Characterization of Lard Constituent Compound by Microscopic and Molecular as Halal Authentication Method, | 2019 |
Composition Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Broth from Pork and Other Livestock using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) as Halal Detection Method, | 2020 |
Composition Comparison of Fatty Acid Compounds in Lard and Other Animal Fat Extracted with Various Organic Solvents using GCMS as Halal Detection Method, Research of Litapdimas | 2020 |
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Chemistry Encyclopedia: Periodic System of The Main Group Elements. State Islamic University of Malang Press | 2020 | Download |
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