Elok Kamilah Hayati, M.Si

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Elok Kamilah Hayati, M.Si

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Name: Elok Kamilah Hayati, M.Si Date of Birth: 20 June 1979 Email: elok.kamilah@kim.uin-malang.ac.id Position: Analytical Chemistry Educational Background:

Degree Institution Year
Doctoral Degree Brawijaya University 2023
Master Degree Bogor Agricultural Institution 2005
Undergraduate Degree Brawijaya University 2002
Experties: Instrumentation and chemometrics Research Interest: 1. Analysis of Berberine in Anting-anting (Acalypha indica linn) Plant using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph. 2. Natural Zeolite and Sodalite Carried by Doxorubicin for Breast Cancer Therapy: Observation of Ion Release, Cytotoxicity and Characteristic of Medicine Release  

Google Schoolar:
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wjZXp6EAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao Scopus:

Analysis of Berberine in Anting-anting (Acalypha indica linn) Plant using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph (UPLC) 2019
Natural Zeolite and Sodalite Carried by Doxorubicin for Breast Cancer Therapy: Observation of Ion Release, Cytotoxicity and Characteristic of Medicine Release

Belum ada prestasi.

Elok Kamilah Hayati, ADR Madjid, D Yuliani, EW Safitri, FT Rahmah, Y Qoriati. Optimization of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Alkaloids from Acalypha indica: Solvent and Extraction Time Variation. International Conference on Biology and applied science (ICOBAS) AIP Conf. proc. 2120, 080026-1u2014080026-6, 20192019 Download
EK Hayati, A Zaky F R, H Husna, A Nihayatul, A D R Madjid and R Mutiah, The Separation Optimization of Berberine in Anting-Anting Plants (Acalypha Indica Linn) using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1375, 012021, 20192019 Download

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